Wednesday, December 17, 2008


So I'm back in Pike County! It's always funny coming back and seeing how many things have changed, and even more often, how many things have stayed the same! I dragged Trey around all day today- to my high school (gah yes, I'm that kid that still goes to see teachers... dork), to the vet clinic where I worked, and to two of my favorite restaurants! I love showing people where I grew up! While I do love it, I'm really glad I was able to get out and come to Auburn. Living in such a small town creates such a small world view and I'm so so so glad I have been given the opportunity to obtain an "education;" not just the one I pay for, but also the one I get just from being around such a diverse group of people in such a small area. College is a breeding ground for not only obtaining knowledge, but accumulating wisdom as well. Don't ever lose sight of that. Yes, we are here to get an education, but as this really interesting professor I met at Gnu's Room said, "College has become job training-- no one really cares about just learning anymore." So go grab a book you're not assigned to read, take a walk on a road you've never been on, have a chat with someone different than you, and then you'll really learn something! 


  1. ZOMG unt blog? :)
    Saw your facebook note and was like, "another blog to read? why not!"
    TOTES agree about the whole getting out and not turning into a "townie."
    *laughs at you being that girl who comes back to see her teachers* ;)
