Thursday, January 29, 2009


People from other countries are amazing. 

I hang out with a group of American and international students from all over the world on Thursday nights called Global Cafe, and it is absolutely one of the greatest groups I have ever been a part of. I have learned more about people through Global than I ever thought I could. It's amazing to me how similar all of us are, regardless of the lack of common heritage, language, customs or skin color. It's also amazing to watch friendship transcend all of those supposed barriers. 

A few things I've learned (I guess this is common knowledge, but to see it makes it sink in...)
-All people love to laugh. Even if two people have trouble understanding each other's words, laughter bonds them. 
-Everyone just wants friends who accept them for who they are. 
-Everyone is more than willing to share about their culture: food, traditions, how to count to ten in their language... and they all listen to others' stories as well
-There are shy people and loud people in every culture
-Everyone loves music
-Everyone loves food
-Everyone enjoys giving each other a hard time
-A lot of people who aren't very good at English are WAY smarter than Americans, but we treat them like idiots?
-Ping pong is a universal bonding tool
-Jesus loves people from every culture... and every culture relates to him differently... wowzers how amazing is that?

Matt. 28:19-20.